How do you convert 9=(x+5)^2+(y+4)^29=(x+5)2+(y+4)2 into polar form?

1 Answer
Oct 2, 2016

r = -(10cos(theta) + 8sin(theta))/2 + sqrt((10cos(theta) + 8sin(theta))² - 128)/2


Expand the squares using the pattern (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b²

9 = x² + 10x + 25 + y² + 8y + 16

Substitute the 3 following equations into the above where appropriate:

x² + y² = r²
x = rcos(theta)
y = rsin(theta)

9 = r² + 10rcos(theta) + 8rsin(theta) + 41

Write as a quadratic equation in r:

0 = r² + (10cos(theta) + 8sin(theta))r + 32

Use the positive root of the quadratic formula to solve for r:

r = -b/(2a) + sqrt(b² - 4(a)(c))/(2a)

r = -(10cos(theta) + 8sin(theta))/2 + sqrt((10cos(theta) + 8sin(theta))² - 128)/2