How do you convert x^2 + y^2 = 5x2+y2=5 to polar form?

1 Answer
Aug 4, 2018

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The given equation in

Cartesian Form or Rectangular Form color(red)(x^2+y^2=5x2+y2=5

can be converted to Polar Form as:

color(blue)(r=+- sqrt(5r=±5


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The given equation is in

Cartesian Form or Rectangular Form color(red)(x^2+y^2=5x2+y2=5

We need the following formula to convert to Polar Form:


rArr r=sqrt(x^2+y^2r=x2+y2

color(blue)(x=r cos thetax=rcosθ

color(blue)(y=r sin thetay=rsinθ

color(blue)(tan theta = (y/x)tanθ=(yx)

rArr theta = tan^(-1)(y/x)θ=tan1(yx)

We have the Cartesian form:


Since, color(blue)(r^2=x^2+y^2r2=x2+y2 we can write


r = +- sqrt(5)r=±5

This the equation in Polar Form.

Hope it helps.