How do you create a table of values for an absolute value equation?

1 Answer
Feb 12, 2015

A table of values is simply a pairing between an input and an output. Absolute value equations can range from very complex to relatively simple -- there are also many theorems and postulates that dictate the behavior of absolute value equations in various circumstances.

In its purest form, absolute value makes all numbers positive. For instance, y = |x| would result in the positive form of x being the output, whether x is positive or negative. For instance, if x is -5, it would be 5 when it comes out of that equation. Create a table of values like you normally would, but compute values enclosed in absolute value markers as positive.

Another common form of absolute value equations can be found in a form similar to |a-3| = 5


|a-3| = 5 would have a values -2 < x < 8

From there, you can create a table from the values of a.

If you can update your question with more detail, I may be able to answer it better.