Let: y = tanx + 2xy=tanx+2x on (-pi/2, pi/2)(−π2,π2)
y' = sec^2x +2 (For finding y'', remember that sec^2x = (secx)^2 so we'll use the chain rule)
y'' = 2secx secx tanx (The derivative of 2 is 0.)
So y'' = 2sec^2x tanx.
y'' is never undefined on (-pi/2, pi/2), so its only chance to change sign is at its zero(s)..
abs(sec x) >= 1, so sec^2x > 1 So the only zero of y'' is where tanx = 0, which is at x = 0
For x in (-pi/2, 0), tanx is negative, so y'' is negative and the graph of the function is concave down.
For x in (0, pi/2), tanx is positive, so y'' is positive and the graph of the function is concave up.
The function is concave down on (-pi/2, 0), and it is
concave up on (0, pi/2).
The point (0,0) is an inflection point.