How do you divide (x^101+x+1)/( x^2+1) ?

1 Answer
May 8, 2016

Quotient = x^99-x^97+x^95-...+x^3-x

Remainder: 1+2x


Use (X^n+1)/(X+1)=X^(n-1)-X^(n-2)+...+1, n = 3, 5, 7,...

=X^(n-1)-X^(n-2)+...+X-1 +2/(X+1),. n=2. 4, 6,....

Here, the second case is relevant.

The ratio is (x((x^2)^50+1)+1)/(x^2+1)




I did not correctly remember the relevant formula. It was like remembering the spelling of 'caret' as 'carat'.. In the present edition, I have now made self-correction for the correct answer.. I am sorry for the trouble.

I agree that long-hand-division easily gets the quotient and remainder. Yet, the formulas given by me are relevant.