How do you find int_-3^2 1/2(x+3)(x-2)?

1 Answer
Mar 19, 2016

int_(-3)^2 1/2(x+3)(x-2)dx=-125/12


We will use the following:

  • int_a^b(f+g) = int_a^bf + int_a^bg for integrable functions f and g
  • int_a^bcf = cint_a^bf for an integrable function f and constant c
  • int_a^bx^ndx = (b^(n+1)-a^(n+1))/(n+1) for n!=-1

With those, we have:

int_(-3)^2 1/2(x+3)(x-2)dx = 1/2int_(-3)^2(x+3)(x-2)dx


=1/2(int_(-3)^2x^2dx + int_(-3)^2x^1dx - 6int_(-3)^2x^0dx)

=1/2((2^3-(-3)^3)/3 + (2^2-(-3)^2)/2-(6(2-(-3)))/1)

=1/2(35/3 - 5/2 - 30)
