How do you find scale factor?

1 Answer
Feb 3, 2016

Scale factor is the ratio between the length of any linear component of the image to the length of its corresponding original component.


Scaling is a transformation of objects on a plane that is characterized by
(a) the center of scaling O
(b) scaling factor f!=0.

If these two characteristics are know, the image of any point A is constructed by connecting point O to point A and finding on that line such a point A' that
|OA|/|OA'| = |f|
Point A' lies on the same side from center O as point A if f>0 and on the opposite side form center O for f<0.

Scaling proportionally changes all the lengths of straight segments, preserves the angles and, in particular, preserves parallelism and perpendicularity between straight lines.

A concept of similarity is completely based on scaling. See UNIZOR menu items Geometry - Similarity many details, theorems and problems.