How do you find the LU factorization for tildeA = [(1,0),(-3,1)] such that tildeL is unit diagonal?

I had gotten an LU factorization, except my tildeL matrix wasn't lower-triangular, so it doesn't count. Here's the expression I used:

If tildeA = tildeLtildeU, then when tildeE_ncdotcdotcdottildeE_2tildeE_1tildeA -> tildeU:

color(blue)(tildeA = stackrel(tildeL)(overbrace(tildeE_1^(-1)tildeE_2^(-1)cdotcdotcdottildeE_n^(-1)))tildeU).

where tildeE is an elementary matrix and tildeE^(-1) is its inverse. tildeU is an upper-triangular matrix, and tildeL is a lower-triangular matrix.

1 Answer
Jan 30, 2016

OH, I figured out what was going on. It turns out that the upper triangular matrix tildeU is allowed to be the identity matrix [(1,0),(0,1)].

So, I already have tildeL apparently. Since tildeA = tildeLtildeU and tildeU = tildeI, tildeA = tildeL. Therefore:

tildeL = [(1,0),(-3,1)]
tildeU = [(1,0),(0,1)]

tildeA = tildeLtildeU = [(1,0),(-3,1)][(1,0),(0,1)] = color(blue)([(1,0),(-3,1)])

The longer way involves elementary matrices. Since each elementary row operation corresponds to the multiplication by an elementary matrix, we can do the following:

stackrel(tildeA)(overbrace([(1,0),(-3,1)]))stackrel(3R_1 + R_2" ")(->)[(1,0),(0,1)] = tildeU

Thus, stackrel(tildeI)(overbrace([(1,0),(0,1)]))stackrel(3R_1 + R_2" ")(->) [(1,3),(0,1)] = tildeE_1

So what we have is:

tildeE_1tildeA = tildeU

the condition for which tildeA = tildeE_1^(-1)tildeE_2^(-1)cdotcdotcdottildeE_n^(-1)tildeU.

As a result, we should realize that if we undo tildeE_1 and transform it into the identity matrix tildeI using the inverse, tildeE_1^(-1), we have the LU factorization.

tildeE_1^(-1) = [(1,-3),(0,1)]

tildeE_1^(-1)tildeE_1tildeA = tildeE_1^(-1)tildeU

tildeItildeA = tildeA = tildeLtildeU = stackrel(tildeE_1^(-1))(overbrace([(1,0),(-3,1)]))stackrel(tildeU)(overbrace([(1,0),(0,1)])) = color(blue)(stackrel(tildeA)(overbrace([(1,0),(-3,1)])))

so tildeA = color(blue)(tildeL = [(1,0),(-3,1)]).