How do you find the rectangular equation for r=1/(3+sintheta)r=13+sinθ?
1 Answer
The standard polar form is
that reveals an ellipse of eccentricity
inclined at
The semi latus rectum
So, major axis
The conversion formula is
Making substitutions and simplifying,
graph{y+3sqrt(x^2+y^2)-1=0 [-1.5 1.5 -.75 .5]}
Look and name:
Look at
and tell that this graph is an ellipse, if
For example, d = 4, c = 3, a = 2 and b = -1 gives
See the graph.
graph{3(x^2+y^2)^0.5+2x-y-4 = 0[-6 4 -2 4]}