How do you graph r=3sin7theta?

1 Answer
Jul 8, 2018

See graph and the explanation.


Perform conversion of r = 3 sin 7theta to Cartesian frame, using

sin 7theta = 7 cos^6theta sin theta - 35 (cos^4theta sin^3theta

+ cos^2theta sin^5theta - sin^7theta)

(from e^(i 7theta) = (e^(i theta))^7 (Glory to De Moivre ))

and the conversion formula

( x, y ) = r ( cos theta, sin theta), r = sqrt( x^2 + y^2 ) >= 0

and get

( x^2 + y^2 )^4 =3 (7 x^6 y - 35 x^4 y^3 + 21 x^2 y^5 - y^7).

In the Cartesian frame, there is no glow of pixels, for invalid

negative r

Now the super graph appears here.

graph{( x^2 + y^2 )^4 -3 (7 x^6 y - 35 x^4 y^3 +21 x^2 y^5 - y^7)=0[-7 7 -3.5 3.5]}