How do you show that a girl named Suz has lots of flowers using the possessive "s"? Is it "Suz' flowers." or "Suz's flowers."?

1 Answer
Apr 18, 2018

The correct form is "Suz's flowers".


To figure out how to use possessive apostrophes, you need to know a little bit about your word. First ask if it's singular or plural. If it's plural, there are two more questions you need to ask: whether it ends in an s or not.

Here's a little chart with examples:

1. Is it singular? (Is there only one of it?)
rarr The correct form is "'s"

That is the dogcolor(red)"'s" bone .
Rachelcolor(red)"'s" car was stolen.
The companycolor(red)"'s" billing statements were sent out late.
The bookcolor(red)"'s" pages were crinkled and torn.

2. Is it plural? (Is there more than one?)

  • Does it end in s?
    rarr The correct form is just an apostrophe after the word:

The animalscolor(blue)"'" feed was changed last month.
The boyscolor(blue)"'" father had to punish them for being naughty.
Those photoscolor(blue)"'" resolution isn't very good.

  • Does it not end in s?
    rarr The correct form is an "'s"
    children's, alumni's, sheep's

The childrencolor(orange)"'s" toys were left outside and got wet.
The alumnicolor(orange)"'s" speeches weren't that inspiring this year.
The sheepcolor(orange)"'s" wool that the farmer cut off needed to be washed.

Your word Suz is the name of one girl, so it's singular. So the correct form is:

"Suz's flowers"

There are some exceptions to these rules, so here is a helpful article if you need more information. You will have to scroll near the bottom to the section called "Possessives".