How do you solve this number theory's problem?

Lets start with number 49. Put in the middle the number 48. Thus we have 4489. Proceed again with the same patern:
444889 and so on.
44...4488...89 (with n 4 numbers and n-1 8 numbers ended by 9)
Proof that all numbers are perfect squares)

3 Answers
Jan 30, 2018

#overbrace(44...4)^"n"overbrace(88...8)^"n-1"9 = overbrace(66...6)^"n - 1"7^2#


Note that for any positive integer #n#, we have:

#2/3 * 10^n + 1/3 = overbrace(66...6)^"n digits".bar(6) + = overbrace(66...6)^"n - 1"7#


#(2/3 * 10^n + 1/3)^2 = 4/9 * 10^(2n) + 4/9 * 10^n + 1/9#

#color(white)((2/3 * 10^n + 1/3)^2) = overbrace(44...4)^"2n".bar(4) + overbrace(44...4)^"n".bar(4)

#color(white)((2/3 * 10^n + 1/3)^2) = overbrace(44...4)^"n"overbrace(88...8)^"n-1"9#

Jan 30, 2018

All the roots of those squares have n 6's and end with a 7


First we look at the roots of these numbers.
#sqrt4489" "=67#
#sqrt444889" "=667#
#sqrt44448889" "=6667#
#sqrt4444488889" "=66667#

Next we are going to try to proof the opposite, meaning that the square of n 6's ending with a 7 are leading to these numbers. By doing this we can proof your original question backwads.

To do so, we are going to split our number into a sum of two numbers. One of this numbers is going to be the same number with one six less. The other one is going to be #6*10^(n+1)# where n is the number of 6's.


Now we can square the breacket and we see...


If we take a look at the third summand, we'll realize that this is the same number with just a six less to the square. If ourer theory is right, this is going to be a number with n 4's followed by #n-1# 8's and a 9 at the end.

Lets take a look at the first and second summand.

# 60000^2+2*60000*6667=(6*10^4)^2+2*6*6667*10^4#

As we can see, we can put #10^4#(or #10^n#) outside of the brackets. This means that the sum of the first and second summand has atleast 4 (or n) zeros at the end. Therefore, we can proof already that the last n digits are right.

In ourer example #444448color(red)(8889)# these numbers are proven. Lets prove the last 8 before we move on to the 4's.
The last 8 is the n+1 digit. Because the n+1 digit of the third summand is a 4, we got to proof that the n+1 digit of ourer sum of the first and second summand is a 4 as well, so that the sum of both is 8.
I'll ignore the #10^4# (or #10^n#), so that we can focus on the first digit...


The first summand is not relevant at this point because the first digit of it will be a 0 because of the #10^4#
only the last summand #2*7# will be relevant because all the others got a #10^1# or higher as a product. Therefore, they don't matter for the last digit.


The last digit will be a 4.
This is as far as I can get right now. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes in it.

Jan 31, 2018

See below.


Fixing ideas with


#4444488889=4444488888+1 = n^2#

and then

#4444488888=n^2-1 = (n+1)(n-1)#


#4444488888 = (66667+1)(66667-1)#

as for instance

#4488 = (67+1)(67-1)# or
#444888 = (667+1)(667-1)#


#overbrace(444cdots 4)^n overbrace(888cdots8)^n = (overbrace(666cdots6)^(n-1)7+1)(overbrace(666cdots6)^(n-1)7-1)#
