How do you test for the convergence or divergence of a non geometric series to infinity?
1 Answer
There are many different theorems providing tests and criteria to assess the convergence of a numeric series. Here are the most commonly used.
Given a series:
the first important test is Cauchy's necessary condition stating that the series can converge only if
As this is a necessary condition, it can only prove that the series does not converge. We also have two important tests, based on the properties of
Ratio test:
lim_(n->oo) abs(a_n/a_(n+1)) < 1 <=> sum_(n=0)^oo a_n is convergent
lim_(n->oo) abs(a_n/a_(n+1)) > 1 <=> sum_(n=0)^oo a_n is not convergentif the limit is
1 the test is indecisive.
Root test
lim_(n->oo) root(n)(a_n) < 1 <=> sum_(n=0)^oo a_n is convergent
lim_(n->oo) root(n)(a_n) > 1 <=> sum_(n=0)^oo a_n is not convergentif the limit is
1 the test is indecisive.
Moreover, we can often proceed by comparing the series with some other series that we now to be convergent or divergent.
Squeeze theorem
If the series has positive terms (or, which is equivalent, when we test for absolute convergence), this can be generalized as the:
Direct comparison test
To this purpose, beside the geometric series we have an important test series provided by the
p-series Test
is convergent for
The comparison test is further generalized by the:
Limit comparison test
Given two series
lim_(n->oo) a_n/b_n = L with0 < L < oo then both series have the same character, that is either both are convergent or both divergent;if
lim_(n->oo) a_n/b_n = 0 then ifsum_(n=0)^oo b_n is convergent alsosum_(n=0)^oo a_n is convergent;if
lim_(n->oo) a_n/b_n = oo then ifsum_(n=0)^oo b_n is divergent alsosum_(n=0)^oo a_n is divergent;
Finally, a special case is the one of alternating series in the form:
Leibniz' theorem
The series:
is convergent if: