How do you write position and momentum in terms of the raising and lowering operators?
Something for the public to refer to. :)
Something for the public to refer to. :)
1 Answer
We define the raising and lowering operators as
color(green)(hatb_x = sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))(hatx + i/(momega)hatp_x))
color(green)(hatb_x^† = sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))(hatx - i/(momega)hatp_x)) where
hatb_x^† is the adjoint (complex conjugate transpose) ofhatb_x , and their commutation is[hatb_x,hatb_x^†] = hatb_xhatb_x^† - hatb_x^†hatb_x = 1 .
They don't really represent anything physical, per se, but they can be convenient to use. We can add these together or subtract them to find the position and momentum operators in terms of them.
hatb_x + hatb_x^† = sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))(hatx + i/(momega)hatp_x) + sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))(hatx - i/(momega)hatp_x)
= sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))[(hatx + cancel(i/(momega)hatp_x)) + (hatx - cancel(i/(momega)hatp_x))]
= sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))(2hatx)
= sqrt((2momega)/(ℏ))hatx
color(blue)(hatx = sqrt(ℏ/(2momega))(hatb_x + hatb_x^†))
hatb_x - hatb_x^† = sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))(hatx + i/(momega)hatp_x) - sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))(hatx - i/(momega)hatp_x)
= sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))[(cancel(hatx) + i/(momega)hatp_x) - (cancel(hatx) - i/(momega)hatp_x)]
= sqrt((momega)/(2ℏ))((2i)/(momega)hatp_x)
= sqrt((2)/(momegaℏ))(ihatp_x)
color(blue)(hatp_x) = i/i*1/isqrt((momegaℏ)/(2))(hatb_x - hatb_x^†)
= color(blue)(-isqrt((momegaℏ)/(2))(hatb_x - hatb_x^†))
These operators allow us to represent the Hamiltonian operator for the Harmonic Oscillator in one dimension as:
bb(hatH_x) = (hatp_x^2)/(2m) + 1/2momega^2hatx^2
= [...]
= bb(ℏomega(hatb_x^†hatb_x + 1/2))
which is a convenient way to obtain each energy state as:
bb(E_(upsilon_x) = ℏomega(upsilon_x + 1/2)) where
upsilon_x is the vibrational quantum number for thex dimension, and goes as0, 1, 2, . . . .