How do you write the following sentence with a defective verb in the future tense?: I can take a hike today. English Grammar Parts of Speech Verbs 1 Answer Emily Mar 26, 2018 I will be able to take a hike tomorrow. Explanation: 'Can' is a defective verb, because it lacks specific past or present forms. The best way to transition 'can' into the future tense is to use 'be able to.' Answer link Related questions What are linking verbs, helping verbs, and action verbs? How are they different? What's the difference between a verb and an action verb? What is a passive verb? What are some examples? What is a linking verb? Is "is" a verb? What is a verb tense shift? What is a compound verb and some examples? What is the definition of an action verb? What's the difference between a verb, adverb, and adjective? What is a verb phrase? See all questions in Verbs Impact of this question 2336 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License