How does a molecules symmetry relate to polarity?

1 Answer
Nov 23, 2015

Polarity results from the vector sum of the individual bond dipoles. Clearly, molecular symmetry determines the vector sum


Take 2 molecules, CF_4CF4, and CHCl_3CHCl3. Both C-ClCCl, and C-FCF bonds are quite polar (the halogen is more electronegative than carbon, and the halogen atom polarizes electron density towards itself. Now, FF is more effective than ClCl in this activity. Nevertheless, CF_4CF4 is non-polar, whereas chloroform is quite polar as solvents go. Why?

Molecular polarity results from the vector sum of the individual bond dipoles. When the CrarrFCF dipoles are added, the overall vector sum is zero (necessarily, because CF_4CF4 is a regular tetrahedron. When the CrarrClCCl and the C-HCH dipoles are added, the resultant is non-zero.