How far is Jupiter from the moon in miles?
1 Answer
483.3 million miles, nearly
The average distance of Jupiter from the Sun is 778.6 million km = 483.3 million miles.
Aphelion is maximum distance of a planet from the Sun. Perihelion is the minimum distance.
Apogee and perigee are maximum and minimum distances of Moon from the Earth.
When the Moon's distance from the Jupiter is a maximum, the Jupiter-Moon distance is utmost
the sum of the aphelions of Jupiter and the Earth and the apogee of Moon,
for the hypothetical alignment Jupiter-Sun-Earth-Moon.
For a minimum the lower limit is
Jupiter perihelion
The hypothetical alignment will be Jupiter-Moon-Earth-Sun.
The mean of these maximum and minimum is (aphelion + perihelion )/2 of Jupiter = 483.3 million miles, nearly.