How many minutes will to drive to Los Angeles from San Francisco if an average speed of 72 mi/hr is maintained?

The distance between the two cities is 405 miles.

1 Answer
May 28, 2017

It wll take #320# minutes to drive to Los Angeles from San Francisco.


Distance by road between Los Angeles and San Francisco using
I-5 N is #383# miles.

As the average speed is #72# miles per hour,

it will take #383/72=5 23/72# hours

#5# hours is #5xx60=300# minutes and #23/72# hours is #23/72xx60=23/cancel72^6xxcancel60^5=115/6# or #19.17# minutes

i.e. a total of #319.17# or say about #320# minutes.

Hence, it wll take #320# minutes to drive to Los Angeles from San Francisco.