How to order 1/3, 0.3, 25%, 2/5 in ascending order?

1 Answer
Mar 2, 2018

#2/5, 0.25, 0.3, 1/3#


First, translate each item to a decimal number

  • #1/3 = 0.33...#
  • #0.3 = 0.30#
  • #25% = 0.25#
  • #2/5 = 0.40#

#0.3# is already in decimal form, so this needs no work.

To convert #25%# to a decimal, simply divide by #100%# or move the decimal point to the left two places. #25%# becomes #0.25#.

For the fractions, take #100# and divide by the denominator, then multiply by the numerator. This will give you a value in #%#. Follow the previous step to convert to decimal form.


#2/5 = (100/5)*2 = 20*2 = 40% = .40#


#(100/3)*1 = 33.33333...% = 0.333333...#