How to put the radian angle 3pi/8 point on a unit circle?

1 Answer
Oct 16, 2015

See below


If you get what a pi/8 degree angle is, then the result will be three times that angle.

Let's go for recursive divisions. We know that \pi is a straight angle, 180°, half a circle.

So, pi/2 will be half of that angle, which is a quarter of a circle.

pi/4 will be half of that angle, and pi/8, again, its half.

We can also write {3pi}/8 as pi/4+pi/8. So, starting from half a quarter of a circle, we must take another step of pi/8.

I'll try to identify this whole procedure with cardinal points:

  • pi angle -> west pole;
  • pi/2 angle -> north pole;
  • pi/4 angle -> north-east;
  • pi/8 angle -> east-north-east;

So, {3pi}/8=pi/4+pi/8 = north-north-east.