How to solve the 31st question?

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1 Answer
Mar 14, 2018

See below.


Supposing that the B rod end glides without detaching from the wall, we have

#x_A = l cos theta#
#y_B = l sin theta#

and deriving

#dot x_A = v_A = -l sin theta dot theta#
#dot y_B = v_B = l cos theta dot theta#

and also

#ddot x_A = a_A = -l(dot theta)^2cos theta -lsin theta ddot theta#
#ddot y_B = a_B = -l (dot theta)^2sin theta+ l cos theta ddot theta#

Solving after eliminating #dot theta# we have

#a_B =-(a_A Cot theta + (v_A^2 Csc^3 theta)/l)#

#ddot theta = -1/l^2(a_A l csc theta+ v_A^2 cot thetaCsc^2 theta)#