How would you balance this chemical equation: 2Sb + I_2 -> 2SbI_32Sb+I22SbI3?

2 Answers
Apr 29, 2017

2 Sb + 3 I_2 === 2 SbI_32Sb+3I2===2SbI3


There are six Iodines in the products so there must be six iodines in the reactants.

Iodine comes as diatomic gas molecule. ( as well as a grey crystal).

3 xx I_2 = 6 I^-13×I2=6I1 therefore it requires 3 I_2I2 molecules to balance the equation

May 29, 2017

You follow a systematic procedure to balance the equation.


Start with the unbalanced equation:

"2Sb" + "I"_2 → "2SbI"_32Sb+I22SbI3

A method that often works is to balance everything other than "O"O and "H"H first, then balance "O"O, and finally balance "H"H.

Another useful procedure is to start with what looks like the most complicated formula.

The most complicated formula looks like "SbI"_3SbI3. It already has a 2 in front of it.

"2Sb" + "I"_2 → color(red)(2)"SbI"_32Sb+I22SbI3

Balance "Sb"Sb:

There are "2 Sb"2 Sb on the right, and there are "2 Sb"2 Sb on the right. "Sb"Sb is balanced.

color(blue)(2)"Sb" + "I"_2 → color(red)(2)"SbI"_32Sb+I22SbI3

Balance "I"I:

We have fixed "6 I"6 I on the right, so we need "6 I"6 I on the left. Put a 3 in front of "I"_2I2.

color(blue)(2)"Sb" + color(orange)(3)"I"_2 → color(red)(2)"SbI"_32Sb+3I22SbI3

Every formula now has a fixed coefficient. We should have a balanced equation.

Let’s check:

bb("Atom"color(white)(m)"Left hand side"color(white)(m)"Right hand side")AtommLeft hand sidemRight hand side

All atoms balance. The balanced equation is

2"Sb" + 3"I"_2 → 2"SbI"_32Sb+3I22SbI3