Hydrogen bonding is of two types - t Intramolecular and intermolecular Am I right ?

1 Answer
Aug 24, 2017

Nope. It is only intermolecular.

It is just a misnomer that we call it "hydrogen-bonding". Yes, the hydrogen is bonded within the molecule, but the term "hydrogen-bonding" does not refer to that.


It refers to the polarizing interaction with an electronegative atom on another molecule, which strictly speaking, is a significantly weaker interaction than in a regular bond.

This interaction is...

the polarization of electron density from an adjacent molecule's H atom by an electronegative-enough atom.

Often we speak of O, N, and F NOT bonded to the H in question as being hydrogen-bond acceptor atoms. The electronegative atom BONDED to the H atom is then the hydrogen-bond donor.

Thus, there is particularly noticeable hydrogen-bonding in NH3, HF, and H2O samples.

It is not, however, restricted to NHN, OHO, and FHF interactions. Chloroform and acetone are also known to weakly hydrogen-bond.