If 5 men working 6 hours a day can reap a field in 20 days, in how many days will 15 men reap the field if they work for 8 hours a day?

1 Answer
May 22, 2018

5 days


Instead of working with a number of men and the number of hours in a day, consider the number of 'man-hours' used.

5 men working for 6 hours a day means:
5×6=30 man-hours a day.

The entire task of reaping the field takes:
30×20=600 man-hours

The question involves inverse proportion because if there are more men working and they work for more hours each day, then the task will be completed in fewer days.

15 men working for 8 hours a day means:
15×8=120 man-hours per day

To complete the task which requires 600 man-hours:

600÷120=5 days