If Earth's atmosphere were frozen into a solid sphere, what would be its diameter?

1 Answer

If you assume atmosphere is consisted on only nitrogen (solid), the radius of the sphere would be 49.3 km.


Solid nitrogen (at minus 210 degrees Celcius, you can reach) has a density of #10265 ("kg")/"m"^3#. Since the total volume of the atmosphere is #4200000000000000000\ "m"^3#, you can compute mass as #4.31xx10^21\ "kg"#. Since the sphere has a volume of #V=(4*pi*r^3)/3# (r stands for radius), you can compute the radius (and diameter of this sphere) now:

#4200000000000000000*3=4*pi*r^3# or
#r^3=1x10^18\ "m"# or #r^3=1xx10^15\ "km"# or #r=1000877\ "m"# or #r=1000.88\ "km"#

Diameter #D=2001.75\ "km"#

The following internet site might be helpful to visualize:
