If kappa = cos((2pi)/9)+i sin((2pi)/9) (i.e. the primitive Complex 9th root of 1) then how do you express kappa^8 in the form a+b kappa + c kappa^2 + d kappa^3 + e kappa^4 + f kappa^5 where a, b, c, d, e, f are rational?

1 Answer
Dec 20, 2016

kappa^8 = -kappa^5-kappa^2



kappa = cos((2pi)/9) + i sin((2pi)/9)

Using de Moivre's formula:

(cos(x) + i sin(x))^n = cos(nx) + i sin(nx)

it should be fairly clear that kappa satisfies:

kappa^9 = 1

That is: kappa is a zero of the polynomial:


What may be less obvious is that this is not the simplest polynomial for which kappa is a zero.

We find:

x^9-1 = (x-1)(x^2+x+1)(x^6+x^3+1)

kappa is not a zero of (x-1), nor of (x^2+x+1), so it must be a zero of:


This is the minimum polynomial for kappa over the rational numbers.
This polynomial is known as a cyclotomic polynomial, specifically Phi_9

So if we can express:

kappa^8 = q_kappa(kappa^6+kappa^3+1) + r_kappa

For some quotient polynomial q_kappa and remainder polynomial r_kappa where r_kappa is of degree 5 or lower, then:

kappa^8 = r_kappa

since (kappa^6+kappa^3+1) = 0

So all we have to do is long divide kappa^8 by kappa^6+kappa^3+1 and identify the remainder.

Actually the long division terminates after the first term of the quotient, since:

kappa^8 - kappa^2(kappa^6+kappa^3+1) = color(red)(cancel(color(black)(kappa^8))) - color(red)(cancel(color(black)(kappa^8)))-kappa^5-kappa^2

color(white)(kappa^8 - kappa^2(kappa^6+kappa^3+1)) = -kappa^5-kappa^2

which is already of degree 5.


kappa^8 = -kappa^5-kappa^2