The voltage drop on r3 is increasing with an increase of r2.
With increased resistance r2, the combined resistance of parallel combination of r2, r3 and r4 increases. This, in turn decreases the current going through the circuit according to the following calculations.
Let R be a combined resistance of the parallel combination of r2, r3 and r4.
Then, according to the laws for parallel circuits,
Obviously, R is increasing with an increase of r2.
The combined resistance of an entire circuit is R+r1, and it's also increasing with an increase of r2.
Therefore, the current in the circuit is decreasing since it's equal to
where V is the voltage of the source of electricity and I is the current.
The voltage drop on the resistor r1, which is equal to V1=I⋅r1, becomes smaller with an increase of r2 since the current is decreasing. Since combined drop of the voltage must be equal to V, the voltage drop on a parallel combination of r2, r3 and r4 is increasing. This voltage drop is the same for all three resistors r2, r3 and r4 since they are connected in parallel. So, the voltage drop on r3 is increasing with an increase of r2.
Quantitatively, the voltage drop on each and all parallel resistors (including r3, of course) equals to
From the above formula we see that increase of r2 causes decrease of denominator and, hence an increase of Vp.