If the equilibrium constant (K) = 100, this reaction favors the (reactants/products) and proceeds (very little/almost to completion). Equilibrium?

1 Answer
May 26, 2017

Let's take the general equilibrium reaction:

In which A, B, C and D are compounds and w,x,y,z are coefficients.
To determine the equilibrium constant, we write:


The equilibrium constant says something about the proceeding of the reaction: does it favour the forward reaction or the backwards reaction? The blue numbers represent the concentration of the two sides:

  1. "Combined concentration products"
  2. "Combined concentration reactants"

We have given that K=100, this means that side 1 must be a larger number than number 2. Only then will K be larger than 1. This means that the combined concentration of side 1 (products) is larger than the combined concentration of side 2.
Therefore the reaction is favoured to the right side (the product side). Since K=100 is pretty big, the reaction will probably go almost into completion.

By following this method, you can figure out that

K>>1 aa Product favored aaa Close to completion
K>1 aaa Product favoredaaa Very little
K=1 aaa Equilibriumaaaaaaa -
K<1 aaa Reactant favoredaaa Very little
K<<1 aa Reactant favoredaaa Close to completion