In order to find the concavity of a function at some point xx, you need to take the second derivative of the function. Then, you need to find the sign of the second derivative:
- If f''(x)>0, the function is convex.
- If f''(x)<0, the function is concave.
For f(x)=tanx:
Now we have to evaluate this at x=pi/3:
Before we go about this, remember that we're only concerned about the sign of the second derivative, not the actual value. We don't actually need to compute 2sec^2(pi/3)tan(pi/3) - we just have to find out if it's negative or positive.
Take a close look at this expression. pi/3 is an angle in the first quadrant (it's in between 0 and pi/2), and all the trig functions are positive in the first quadrant. That means all three of the pieces we have here are positive:
And when you multiply positive numbers, you get a positive result. Therefore, we can conclude that f''(pi/3)>0, so the function is convex at that point. You can confirm this by looking at the function's graph.