Is thiophene an aromatic?

1 Answer
Apr 28, 2015

Yes, thiophene is an aromatic compound.

According to Hückel's rule, a planar, conjugated, cyclic molecule is aromatic if it has 4n+2 π electrons. The value of n can be zero or any positive integer.

The most common aromatic molecule is benzene (n =1).

Pyrrole, furan, and thiophene are other aromatic compounds with n =1.

The heteroatoms each contribute two electrons to the π system.

However, the resonance stabilization in thiophene (122 kJ/mol) is less than that in benzene (152 kJ/mol), because "S" is more electronegative than "C".

"S" is less "willing" to donate its electrons to the aromatic system.

But, because thiophene is aromatic, it does not have the properties of ordinary thioethers.