Is #y=5x# an inverse variation?

1 Answer
Jun 5, 2015

here #color(red) (y and x# are variables and #color(blue)(5# is the constant

Let us assume values for #color(red)(x# and observe how the values of # x and y# vary with respect to each other:

  • #color(red)(x = 1) , y = color(blue)(5).1 = 5#
  • #color(red)(x=2 ), y = color(blue)(5).2 = 10#
  • #color(red)(x=3) , y = color(blue)(5).3 = 15#

It can be observed that as #color(red)(x# increases in value , so does #color(red)(y# and hence the variation is not inverse, it is direct variation.