It takes about 10^16 years for just half the samarium-149 in nature to decay by alpha-particle emission. What is the decay equation, and what is the isotope that is produced by the reaction?

1 Answer
Jan 15, 2016

The alpha decay of samarium-149 produces neodymium-145.


When a radioactive isotope undergoes alpha decay, its nucleus emits an alpha particle, which is a term used to denote the nucleus of a helium-4 atom.


Pull up a periodic table and look for the atomic number of samarium, "Sm". You'll find that it's equal to 62. This means that you can start by writing

""_62^149"Sm" -> ""_x^ycolor(blue)(?) + ""_2^4"He"

Your goal now is to find the values of x and y by using the fact that nuclear equations must conserve, among other things, charge and mass number.

At this point, it's important that you're familiar with isotope notation.


For samarium-149, you have an atomic number equal to 62 and a mass number equal to 149. This means that you can write

149 = y + 4 -> conservation of mass number**

62 = x + 2 -> conservation of charge**

You will thus get

{(y = 149 - 4 = 145), (x = 62 -2 = 60) :}

The element that has an atomic number equal to 60 is neodymium, "Nd".

The alpha decay of samarium-149 will thus produce neodymium-145 and an alpha particle.

""_62^149"Sm" -> ""_60^145"Nd" + ""_2^4"He"