OH | CH2 | C=O | CH-CH2-Br | C=O | CH3 What is the IUPAC nomenclature of this compound ?
1 Answer
The IUPAC name is 3-(bromomethyl)-1-hydroxypentane-2,4-dione.
I think this is the structure you are trying to draw.
Here's how you generate the IUPAC name.
Step 1. Find the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms
The longest continuous chain contains five carbon atoms, so the parent hydrocarbon is pentane.
Step2. Identify the functional group of highest priority
The molecule contains
The ketone groups have the highest priority, so this is a pentanedione.
We must name the other groups as substituents.
Step 3. Number the carbon atoms in the chain
We number from the end closest to a substituent (the
The name becomes pentane-2,4-dione.
Step 4. Name and locate the substituents
Step 5. Attach the names of the groups to the parent name in alphabetical order.
The IUPAC name is 3-(bromomethyl)-1-hydroxypentane-2,4-dione.