Prove quantitatively that for infinitesimally small Deltax, (Deltax)/x ~~ Delta(lnx)?
I actually have probably proved this, but I think I did it qualitatively. Not sure if it's what my book is looking for...
For some infinitesimally small Deltax , supposedly, (Deltax)/x ~~ Deltalnx . But if Deltax is small, then Deltax = dx , the differential change in x .
That is, 1/xdx = d(lnx) . Integrating both sides:
int 1/xdx = intd(lnx)dx
The integral of a derivative cancels out to give:
int 1/xdx = color(blue)(ln|x| + C)
which we know to be true from calculus.
I actually have probably proved this, but I think I did it qualitatively. Not sure if it's what my book is looking for...
For some infinitesimally small
That is,
int 1/xdx = intd(lnx)dx
The integral of a derivative cancels out to give:
int 1/xdx = color(blue)(ln|x| + C)
which we know to be true from calculus.
1 Answer
slightly different way of looking at it, but same idea.
And so
or you could go more formal and write it as
...and complete the derivation of the derivative of ln x from first principles.