Prove quantitatively that for infinitesimally small Deltax, (Deltax)/x ~~ Delta(lnx)?

I actually have probably proved this, but I think I did it qualitatively. Not sure if it's what my book is looking for...

For some infinitesimally small Deltax, supposedly, (Deltax)/x ~~ Deltalnx. But if Deltax is small, then Deltax = dx, the differential change in x.

That is, 1/xdx = d(lnx). Integrating both sides:

int 1/xdx = intd(lnx)dx

The integral of a derivative cancels out to give:

int 1/xdx = color(blue)(ln|x| + C)

which we know to be true from calculus.

1 Answer
Aug 23, 2016

slightly different way of looking at it, but same idea.


lim_(Delta x to 0) (Delta (ln x))/(Delta x) = (d(ln x))/(dx) = 1/x.

therefore (Delta (ln x))/(Delta x) approx 1/x

And so Delta (ln x) approx (Delta x)/x

or you could go more formal and write it as

lim_(Delta x to 0) (Delta (ln x))/(Delta x) = lim_(Delta x to 0) (ln (x + Delta x) - ln x)/(Deltax)

...and complete the derivation of the derivative of ln x from first principles.

= lim_(Delta x to 0) 1/(Delta x) ln( (x + Delta x)/ x)

= lim_(Delta x to 0) 1/(Delta x) ln( 1 + (Delta x)/ x)

y = (Delta x )/ x

= lim_(y to 0) 1/(y x) ln( 1 + y)

= lim_(y to 0) 1/( x) ln( 1 + y)^(1/y)

= 1/( x) ln( e) = 1/x