The question is below ?

If in a #DeltaABC,cosAcosB+sinAsinBsinC=1# then show that #a:b:c=1:1:sqrt2#

1 Answer
Jun 5, 2018




Now in above relation the first term being squared quantity will be positive.In the second term A,B and C all are less than
#180^@# but greater than zero.
So sinA ,sinB and sinC all are positive and less than 1.So the 2nd term as a whole is positive.
But RHS=0.
It is only possible iff each term becomes zero.

When #2sin^2((A-B)/2)=0#

and when 2nd term=0 then

0< A and B <180
#=>sinA !=0and sinB!=0#

So #1-sinC=0=>C=pi/2#

So in triangle ABC
#A=B and C=pi/2->"the triangle is right angled and isosceles"#

Side #a=band angleC=90^@#


Hence #a:b:c=a:2a: sqrt 2a=1:1:sqrt2#