"Raoult's Law"Raoult's Law tells us that in an ideal solution, the vapour pressure of a component is proportional to the mole fraction of that component in solution.
"Mole fraction of sucrose:"Mole fraction of sucrose: ="Moles of sucrose"/"Moles of sucrose + moles of water"=Moles of sucroseMoles of sucrose + moles of water
"Mole fraction of water:"Mole fraction of water:
Note that by definition, chi_"sucrose"+chi_"water"=1χsucrose+χwater=1
Because sucrose is involatile, the vapour pressure of the solution is proportional to the mole fraction of water:
We might have got better results if we used ethyl alcohol or acetone as the solvent rather than water, given that these organic solvents would have expressed a REDUCED mole fraction with respect to water, and thus a GREATER diminution in vapour pressure with respect to that of the pure solvent....