Two cylinders are similar. The volume of the larger cylinder is 343 ft³ and the volume of the smaller cylinder is 125 ​​ft³. The height of the smaller cylinder is 5 ft. What is the height of the larger cylinder?

3 Answers
Feb 16, 2018

Let the radius of smaller cylinder be #r#ft and its height be #h#ft.Again the radius of larger cylinder is #R# ft and its height is #H# ft. Given #h=5# ft

As the cylinders are similar we can say #R/r=H/h#

Now volume of smaller cylinder is #pir^2h=125# and that of larger one is #piR^2H=343#

So # (piR^2H)/(pir^2h)=343/125#

# =>H^2/h^2xxH/h=343/125#

# =>H^3/h^3=7^3/5^3#

# =>H/h=7/5#

# =>H=7/5xxh=7/5xx5=7# ft

Feb 16, 2018

#7" feet"#


#"given "color(blue)"similar figures ""then"#

#• " linear ratio "=a:b#

#• " area ratio "=a^2:b^2#

#• " volume ratio "=a^3:b^3#

#"here volume ratio "=343:125#

#rArr"linear ratio "=root(3)(343):root(3)(125)=7:5#

#"5 is the height of the smaller cylinder"#

#rArr"height of the larger cylinder "=7" feet"#

Mar 20, 2018

The height of of the larger cylinder is #7# ft


The volumes of similar figures are in the same ratio as the cube of their heights,

#color(white)(xxxxxxxxx)"heights"^3" volumes"#

#("smaller" rarr)/("larger"rarr) = 5^3/x^3 " "= 125/343#

#x^3 = (5^3 xx 343)/125#

#x^3 = 343#

#x =7#

The height of of the larger cylinder is #7# ft