What are symptoms of liver damage?
1 Answer
Many things including death but liver damage can occur gradually or suddenly depending on the type of liver disease a person may have.
Usually damage to the liver causes pain in the abdomen (right upper quadrant) and the pain sometimes moves to the shoulders. Abdominal pain occurs due to the the irritation of abdominal tissue. If bleeding is severe, the abdomen might become inflamed.
Depending on the severity of the damage, people with liver damage may experience severe bleeding, sluggishness, sleepiness, and sometimes confusion. They may also experience symptoms of shock. A rapid heart rate, hyperventilation, colder, more whiter/ bluer skin also may develop.
Other signs and symptoms include: Jaundice (unusual yellowish discoloration of the skin and eyes) due to elevated bilirubin levels in the blood stream, nausea, vomiting. Weight loss may also occur.
Liver has over 200 functions in the body. Severe and permanent damage will hurt the body in many ways. If liver functions are failing and a doctor is not consulted, you will die.