What are the values and types of the critical points, if any, of #f(x,y)=y^2-x^2+3x-sqrt(2xy-4x)#?

1 Answer
Sep 3, 2016

A saddle point at

#x_0 = 1.43882, y_0 = 2.04309#


Given #f(x,y)=y^2-x^2+3x-sqrt(2xy-4x)#

The stationary points are found solving

#grad f(x,y) = vec 0#


#{ (3 - 2 x - (2 y-4)/(2 sqrt[2 x y-4x])=0), (2 y - x/sqrt[2 x y-4x]=0) :}#

Whose real solution(s) is

#x_0 = 1.43882, y_0 = 2.04309#

The qualification is made calculating the Hessian matrix in this point.

#H(x,y) = grad(grad f(x,y)) = ((sqrt[x (y-2)]/(2 sqrt[2] x^2)-2, -1/( 2 sqrt[2] sqrt[x (y-2)])),(-1/(2 sqrt[2] sqrt[x (y-2)]), 2 + x^2/(2 x y-4x)^(3/2)))#


#H(x_0,y_0) = ((-1.95748, -1.41998),(-1.41998, 49.4181))#

with characteristic polynomial

#p(lambda) = lambda^2-"trace"(H)lambda+det(H)#

with roots

#lambda = -1.99669,lambda =49.4573#

The roots are non null with oposite signs so the stationary point found, is a saddle point.