What do prokaryotic and eucariotic cells have in common?

2 Answers
Oct 22, 2014

Prokaryotic Cell
"Pro" is from a Greek word meaning "Before" and "Karyon" means "Nucleus". Prokaryotic cell lack a proper well defined nucleus with a nuclear membrane that is why the genetic material becomes dispersed inside the cell.

  1. The whole organism is composed of a single cell.
  2. These cell lack organelles like mitochondria and golgi apparatus etc.
  3. Example : Bacteria

Eukaryotic Cell
"Eu" means "Well" and "Karyon" means "Nucleus". Eukaryotic cells have a well defined nucleus and nuclear membrane and all the genetic material is safe inside the nucleus.

  1. The organism may be composed of a single cell or a complete multicellular organism.

  2. These cells have organelles like mitochondria and golgi apparatus etc.

  3. Example : Plants, animals and fungi etc.

Similarities between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells

  1. Have cell membrane.
    2.Have cell wall eg. plant cells and gram positive and negative bacteria.
    3.Have genetic material, ie.DNA either dispersed in the cell or secured in the nucleus.
    4.Both cells have ribosomes they only differ in size. Prokaryotic cells have 70s ribosomes and Eukaryotic cells have 80s ribosomes.
    5.Both type of cells have cytoplasm
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Oct 22, 2014

Prokaryotic Cell
"Pro" is from a Greek word meaning "Before" and "Karyon" means "Nucleus". Prokaryotic cell lack a proper well defined nucleus with a nuclear membrane that is why the genetic material becomes dispersed inside the cell.

  1. The whole organism is composed of a single cell.
  2. These cell lack organelles like mitochondria and golgi apparatus etc.
  3. Example : Bacteria

Eukaryotic Cell
"Eu" means "Well" and "Karyon" means "Nucleus". Eukaryotic cells have a well defined nucleus and nuclear membrane and all the genetic material is safe inside the nucleus.

  1. The organism may be composed of a single cell or a complete multicellular organism.

  2. These cells have organelles like mitochondria and golgi apparatus etc.

  3. Example : Plants, animals and fungi etc.

Similarities between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells

  1. Have cell membrane.
    2.Have cell wall eg. plant cells and gram positive and negative bacteria.
    3.Have genetic material, ie.DNA either dispersed in the cell or secured in the nucleus.
    4.Both cells have ribosomes they only differ in size. Prokaryotic cells have 70s ribosomes and Eukaryotic cells have 80s ribosomes.
    5.Both type of cells have cytoplasm
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