What does integumentary system do for body?

1 Answer
Jun 14, 2018

See explanation.


The integumentary system has many different functions.

It’s functions include:

Protection: The skin forms a barrier that blocks out pathogens and debris and prevents the body from drying out. The skin also provides protection from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Nails, which protect the tips of fingers and toes, are also produced by the skin.

Temperature Regulation: The skin helps to regulate body temperature by releasing excess heat generated by working cells, while keeping in enough heat to maintain a normal body temperature of 98.6°F. Hair also helps to prevent heat loss from the head.

Excretion: Small amounts of sweat are constantly released from your sweat glands. Sweat contains waste products such as urea and salts that need to be excreted from the body.

Gathers Information: The skin contains several types of sensory receptors. It serves as a gateway through which sensations such as pain, pressure, heat, and cold are transmitted from the outside environment to the nervous system.

Vitamin D Production: One of the integumentary system’s most important functions is the production of Vitamin D, which is needed for absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the small intestine. Sunlight is needed for one of the chemical reactions that produce vitamin D in the skin cells. You must have vitamin D to absorb calcium and to promote bone growth.

Hope this helps!