What does the superscript of an isotope notation mean?

1 Answer
May 6, 2018

This represents the NUMBER of nuclear particles....


Let's take a simple example, i.e. for hydrogen, the MOST abundant element in this universe. Most hydrogen nuclei contain the ONE nuclear particle, i.e. one proton....and we would represent this ISOTOPE as 1H, protium, to reflect its mass.

A smaller percentage of hydrogen atom necessarily contain the DEFINING proton, and ALSO a neutron...to give the deuterium isotope....i.e. 2H..here in the nucleus there are one proton (necessarily) and ALSO ONE neutron.

And an even smaller percentage of hydrogen atoms, contain the tritium isotope, i.e. 3H. How many neutrons does this isotope contain?

And so the superscripted number is the number of nucular particles, protons, and neutrons. The atomic symbol defines Z, the atomic number. To a first approximation (which does not work so well for hydrogen), the chemistry of the isotopes are identical.