What is 0.7 as a fraction?
1 Answer
The positional decimal system is based on the idea that the value of a number is equal to
the sum of each (digit times the weight of the position in which the digit is found).
Where the decimal weights are
#{:("position weights:", "...",1000,100,10,1,".",1/10,1/100,1/1000,"..."):}#
For the given example
#{: ("digits:" , , , , , color(red)(0),".",color(red)(7) , , , ), ("position weights:", "...", 1000,100,10, 1,".",1/10,1/100,1/1000,"..."), ("value:" , 0, +0, +0,+0,color(blue)(+0),".",color(blue)(+7/10),+0,+0,+0) :}#
for a total value of