What is 21000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?


2 Answers
Nov 19, 2017

Please read below..


#21,000# rounded up to the nearest ten thousand is still same thing as #21,000#

See the below..

Nearest hundred #= 1,00#

Neareest thousand #= 1,000#

Nearest ten thousand #=10,000#

Nov 19, 2017



#21,000# is closer to #20,000# than it is to #21,000#.

Here's how you can round numbers:

#color(red)(2)color(green)(1),000# to the nearest ten thousand.

We care about the #color(red)("ten-thousands place")#.

We will look one digit to the right of the place we care about, the #color(green)("thousands place")#.

The number in the thousands place, #1#, is less than #5#. That means that we should round the number down to the next-lowest "ten thousand," which is #20,000#.