What is 3/5 as a decimal?
2 Answers
Fractions are an amazing thing. They allow us to represent partial numbers in a way that allows us to solve equations with ease. Start with 1 for example:
1 as a fractions is
Let's take it to your 3/5's then:
The first thing you want to do is understand that 1's, 10's, 100's, 1000's, make math EASY. Well, you know it's less than one! So what we do is go up! Multiply the numerator and the denominator by 2, and you should get
Okay, so 6/10 is .6, because what we are doing is taking a fraction of the whole number, 6. We move the decimal place in front of the 6 if it's divided by 10, so .6. If it was divided by 100, then we move it to places, so, .06. And so on.
The fraction