What is an Abelian group, from a linear/abstract algebra perspective?

1 Answer
Apr 27, 2016

An Abelian group is a group with the additional property of the group operation being commutative.


A group < G , •> is a set G together with a binary operation •:GxxG->G which fulfill the following conditions:

  1. G is closed under .
    For any a,binG, we have a•b in G

  2. is associative.
    For any a,b,cinG, we have (a•b) • (c) = a •(b•c)

  3. G contains an identity element
    There exists einG such that for all ainG, a•e=e•a=a

  4. Each element of G has an inverse in G
    For all ainG there exists a^(-1)inG such that a•a^(-1)=a^(-1)•a=e

A group is said to be Abelian if it also has the property that is commutative, that is, for all a,binG, we have a•b = b•a.

The group < ZZ, +> (the integers with standard addition) is an Abelian group, as it fulfills all five of the above conditions.

The group GL_2(RR) (the set of invertible 2"x"2 matrices with real elements together with matrix multiplication) is non-Abelian, as while it fulfills the first four conditions, matrix multiplication between invertible matrices is not necessarily commutative. For example:

((1,1),(1,0))((1,0),(1,1)) = ((2,1),(1,0))


((1,0),(1,1))((1,1),(1,0)) = ((1,1),(2,1))