What is diference between sodium chlorate (I) and sodium chlorate (V)?

1 Answer
Sep 2, 2017

Well sodium chlorate(I) is the old sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl.


And sodium chlorate(V) is the old sodium chlorate, NaClO3.

ClO4; i.e. Cl(+VII), perchlorate.

ClO3; i.e. Cl(+V), chlorate.

ClO2; i.e. Cl(+III), chlorite.

ClO; i.e. Cl(+I), hypochlorite.

Cl; i.e. Cl(I), chloride.

And these are the salts of the chlorine oxyacids.......perchloric acid, HClO4, .......chloric acid, HClO3, HO2Cl, chlorous acid, HOCl, hypochlorous acid. Confused yet? You do not have to know these names at A level, or even as a first year undergrad. You should know how the oxidation noombers are assigned. Do you?