What is our galaxy composed of?

1 Answer
Mar 26, 2016

Probably a mix of dark matter and regular matter.


Scientists used to think that the galaxy was mostly normal matter (mostly hydrogen and helium) in empty space.

They are now starting to think that dark matter (which no one is quite sure what this is!), probably is the dominate matter in the galaxy, while our normal matter (H, He, etc) forms the minority of the matter.

There is also a tone of electromagnetic radiation from just about all parts of the EM spectrum zipping around the galaxy.

Scientists also have discovered that there is quite a bit of other elements, and molecules aside from H, and He, floating around the galaxy, including some water and other complex organic molecules that could form the seeds of life on planets.

Scientists have also discovered close to a thousand planets orbiting distant stars.

Finally, just a few months ago they discovered two black holes that merged and this sent off a disturbance in something called gravity waves - the discovery of gravity waves is thought to be a new era in astronomy!