This site gives K_B=0.512*K*kg*mol^-1KB=0.512⋅K⋅kg⋅mol−1 as the so-called "ebullioscopic constant"ebullioscopic constant for water. Of course there is a catch, and this requires us to consider ALL the species in solution, i.e. in the given solution we have concentrations of 0.321*molal0.321⋅molal with respect to BOTH Na^+Na+ and Cl^-Cl− ions.......
Now DeltaT_b=K_BxxCxxi, where i is the number of ions in solution......
=0.33*K; and this is a boiling point elevation with respect to the PURE solvent......And thus the boiling point of the solution is 100.33 ""^@C.