What is the cross product of [-1, -1, 2][1,1,2] and [2, 5, 4] [2,5,4]?

1 Answer
Mar 17, 2016



We know that vecA xx vecB = ||vecA|| * ||vecB|| * sin(theta) hatnA×B=ABsin(θ)ˆn, where hatnˆn is a unit vector given by the right hand rule.

So for of the unit vectors hatiˆi, hatjˆj and hatkˆk in the direction of xx, yy and zz respectively, we can arrive at the following results.

color(white)( (color(black){hati xx hati = vec0}, color(black){qquad hati xx hatj = hatk}, color(black){qquad hati xx hatk = -hatj}), (color(black){hatj xx hati = -hatk}, color(black){qquad hatj xx hatj = vec0}, color(black){qquad hatj xx hatk = hati}), (color(black){hatk xx hati = hatj}, color(black){qquad hatk xx hatj = -hati}, color(black){qquad hatk xx hatk = vec0}))

Another thing that you should know is that cross product is distributive, which means

vecA xx (vecB + vecC) = vecA xx vecB + vecA xx vecC.

We are going to need all of these results for this question.

[-1,-1,2] xx [2,5,4]

= (-hati - hatj + 2hatk) xx (2hati + 5hatj + 4hatk)

= color(white)( (color(black){-hati xx 2hati - hati xx 5hatj - hati xx 4hatk}), (color(black){-hatj xx 2hati - hatj xx 5hatj - hatj xx 4hatk}), (color(black){+2hatk xx 2hati + 2hatk xx 5hatj + 2hatk xx 4hatk}) )

= color(white)( (color(black){-2(vec0) - 5hatk + 4hatj}), (color(black){+2hatk quad - 5(vec0) - 4hati}), (color(black){quad +4hatj quad - 10hati + 8(vec0)}) )

= -14hati + 8hatj + 8hatk

= [-14,8,-3]